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The Food Exchange Resource Network (FERN) is a collaborative effort of 10 agencies — 9 human food banks and one pet food bank. FERN’s mission is to make food available to human food and pet food pantries and their clients. We procure large amounts of food that we share, and the individual pantries share their excess food. Our primary expense is the warehouse space and utilities to run our large cooler and freezer.

Warehouse space in the Denver-metro area has become very expensive and in high-demand due to the ever-increasing pressure to use warehouses as  marijuana grow houses. To date, RTD has been generous to FERN and continues to seek longer-term favorable leasing and sub-leasing arrangements beneficial to them and to FERN to keep the cost of the space affordable.

Your donations enable us keep this space operational, keep member food pantries’ costs down, help us all to concentrate our efforts on what we do best – keeping families in need fed.

Two Ways to Donate

Online at ColoradoGives.org

PLEASE NOTE: Our fiscal sponsor is RMRPI (Rocky Mountain Research and Prevention Institute).

  • On the donation form, for the question “Where do you want your donation directed?” please select “Program”.
  • For “Program to direct funds” please select “Food Exchange Resource Network (FERN)”.

Donate Now at ColoradoGives.org

Mail a Check

You can donate by mailing a check with “FERN” in the memo line to:
P.O. Box 440313
Aurora, CO 80044-0313

We sincerely thank you for your donation and support of this important collaborative effort!